24-week fetuses have impressive lung development as primitive gas exchange now becomes possible in the event of premature birth. Terminal sacs now appear which will eventually become alveoli. Alveoli become the site for the oxygen/carbon dioxide exchange and are essential for survival outside of the womb. By 24 weeks the lung cells begin to produce a substance called surfactant, a substance absolutely necessary for successful gas exchange.
The absence of this substance is often a limiting factor in the viability of premature newborns, as its absence precludes successful breathing. 
Neonatologists, or doctors specialising in the care of newborns, can introduce a drug form of surfactant to the lungs of premature babies, stretching viability, or the age at which survival outside the womb becomes possible, even farther back in pregnancy. At this point, the brain takes off on a growth spurt of its own.
This brain growth consumes more than 50 percent of the energy used by the fetus and results in a brain weight increase between 400 and 500 percent. 
By 25 weeks, the highly-developed eye now contains light-sensing cells called rods and cones. By 26 weeks, the eye can produce tears.The eye is substantially developed in the second trimester, and can produce tears at 26 weeks. 
By this stage, parts of the nose are fully operational, with all components required for a functioning sense of smell in place. Infants born prematurely can detect odours as early as 26 weeks after fertilisation. 
Breathing motions begin to grow in amplitude as the fetus takes deeper “breaths.” The inspiratory part of the cycle now lengthens as each “breath” is drawn in over longer periods of time. 
The fetus has developed a relatively plump, less wrinkled appearance due to increased deposits of body fat underneath the skin. Through a series of step-like leg motions similar to walking, the fetus performs somersaults. 
By 28 weeks, further ear development allows the fetus to distinguish between high and low pitched sounds. Increasingly sensitive to different sound frequencies, the fetus is now able to hear many new noises with greater accuracy.
 [Ref: Prenatal Overview by the Endowment for Human Development]

Development Area
Omnio Activity
Props /Assistance
Physical Development
Grind sandal bars to make paste

Sandal Wood,   Stone Base
If you need assistance
please email
Emotional Development
Resolve to remain unperturbed with the thought of  “If only I had” ; if it surfaces repeatedly educate your child to reject it through mind talk

If you need assistance 
please email
Intellectual Development
Listen to Classical Music : 15 minutes a day preferably instrumental
If you need assistance 
please email
Sensorial Development
Focus on tastes: bitter and pungent
Strong tastes like spices , masalas, Hing ( Asfoetida), 
Creative Development
Story Telling session:   Story to be read out by a family member with hand placed on the mother’s belly. The mother should close her eyes and imagine the story

If you need assistance 
please email
Spiritual Development
Scriptural Learning - Chose a scripture which is fundamental to the spiritual essence of your culture; like the Bhagavad Geetha if you are a Hindu. You can seek guidance from your mentor or indulge in self study

If you need assistance 
please email
Devotional Development
Understand the deeper aspect of your religion and culture
If you need assistance 
please email

[Scientific Facts included are presented in Prenatal Overview by the Endowment for HumanDevelopment
The table of activities are created and distributed by Omnio Future]